Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well, this week marks the last week of the quarter! Greyson is studying hard, finishing papers, and putting up with us all at the same time. He's amazing!

I have started attending a Bible study using Today's Light, which takes you through the Bible in 2 years. The first one I attended was this past week and I think it is going to be great with a great group of women. The kids and I went to the zoo again... one last hoorah before the cold hit, and now it's 29 degrees outside. AAAHHHH!!!! Gideon and Mia have been sick this weekend... I guess it's that time of year. They both have ear infections... we're really hoping Nathanael doesn't get sick too. Hopefully they will be getting better quickly.

Nathanael has been sleeping 5-6 hours a night... woohoo!!! hopefully he'll keep that up and make it a habit... mommy needs more sleep...

Saturday I had my first stamping event since coming here. I had 6 women come and make 10 cards, and I've had a couple of orders come out of that as well. We made thank you cards... we're always needing to send thank-yous because of all the blessings we receive here!

Tonight marked the first meeting of our small group Bible study as well. It is made up of 4 couples, our husbands were all in greek together over the summer and so we will be able to meet hopefully through the 2 years until we all leave for vicarage. I'm looking forward to our time together and having this group to pray for each other and encourage each other throughout this journey.

No pictures this time....

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